OEM Kia Wheels - Used Factory Original Rims
- All Wheels are Guaranteed to arrive in a condition that is to your satisfaction.
- Images of all OEM Kia wheels can easily be found by clicking your model below and then clicking your Kia's model year.
- All images will specify if the Factory Kia Rims are Aluminum Alloy, Steel, Chrome, Silver Paint or Machined.
- Find the details needed for you to locate your OEM Kia Rims by clicking your model below, and year from the next page.
- If you need any help locating Original Kia Wheel call us toll free and ask for sales.
- To determine your wheel size you will need to look on the side wall of your tire. - Example = P235/75R15 is a 15" Wheel.
OEM Kia Factory Rims and Wheels Buyer’s Guide
Kia Motors is an automotive company from South Korea, with the name Kia translated to mean "to come out of Asia." Although Kia is the oldest automobile company in South Korea, it is not the largest, being beat out by Hyundai Motor Group that actually owns 33.99% of Kia. Founded in 1944, the Kia brand began in the bicycle business manufacturing steel tubing and other bicycle components. The company evolved at a steady pace focusing by 1957 on building motorcycles, by 1962 they were manufacturing trucks, and in 1974 they produced their first cars. For several years this natural progression was halted by government interference and from 1981 until 1986 Kia exclusively produced vehicle for militant use.
After the government loosed the restraints of production in 1986 Kia promptly began making passenger vehicles and entered into partnerships with both Ford and Mazda. By 1992 Kia Motors America was established and incorporated in the U.S. Although Kia seemed to have a bright future of independence in the works the Asian financial crisis forestalled this fate and Kia declared bankruptcy in 1997 and was owned 51% by Hyundai by 1998.
the company has been trying quite successfully to steer away from the bland style cars that they formerly produced and has turned their main focus to creating a distinctive Kia style that will be innovative and unique. Efforts towards this goal include the tiger nose grill that by 2009 was on all of their cars, as well as the introduction of the Kia Soul, a uniquely designed 5 door hatchback available with more than a few style varieties.
If you are ready to place your order with us, then follow these easy steps: click on the mdoel of your car in the links above, click on the year your car was made from the links on that page, find the wheels from the pictures, then click order instantly. If you would prefer ordering over the phone or still have questions about your rims, or ours, feel free to call our toll free number. Thanks for visiting!
Phone Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (Pacific Time)
Toll Free: (800) 896-7467
Local: (909) 606-0555
Text: (909) 306-6212
325 W Main St. Ontario, California 91762
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