A Warehouse Tour!


Hey guys! So, you get your wheels delivered straight to you… which is great! But, do you ever wonder where it all starts? Where all the magic happens? Well, you don’t have to wonder for much longer because we have a cool video for you today showcasing our warehouse!

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We work hard to make sure we take and fulfill your orders. We have a great selection of OEM alloy wheels, as well as factory steel wheels. It’s a pretty cool warehouse we have; the wheels are easily accessible. If we need to get a wheel from the top of the wheel rack, we have some stairs we can climb in order to get it. I know I’ve seen some of those stock Kia rims up there. Here’s a fun little tidbit of info from your blog writer here: I’m a little afraid of heights myself, so going up there for the first time was a bit scary for me! Now, I don’t mind it as much. Thank goodness for that!


Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 4.46.02 PMFor wheels that are still working on getting put into inventory, we just keep them laying around loose. We’re always buying used factory wheels to put in our stock, so we have a frequently changing inventory! If we didn’t have the wheel one week, we might have it the next. You never know! Don’t worry about them getting dirty from just laying around – we make sure to recondition our wheels before sending them out!


Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 5.01.52 PMHere, we have our shipping area. This is where we package and send out our wheels to their new, loving homes. 🙂 Are you going to be one of them?




That’s all for this week! Enjoy the video tour of our warehouse!


See you guys next week!
– Kathy


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