Aren’t Those OEM Chevy Corvette Wheels Nice?

We all know that Chevrolet Corvette rims are pretty nice, it doesn’t matter if they’re 2002 Chevrolet Corvette wheels or 2009 Chevrolet Corvette rims; they’re all going to live up to your expectations.

They started manufacturing it in 1952 & are still producing it today. They put it together in 3 places: Flint, Michigan; St. Louis, Missouri; & Bowling Green, Kentucky. The Corvette was introduced after the war – where everything seemed possible & there was no one to get in the way of your dreams… Chevrolet obviously took this literally. Even if it was a great car, the first model didn’t live up to expectations & the “plastic bathtub” was canceled from the Chevy lineup.

But as we can all so plainly see, the Corvette models and Chevrolet Corvette wheels have passed everyone’s expectations from when it first came out half a century ago. I bet that they’re still going to be “wooing” people for decades to come.

Off to ride in my brother’s car,