Chevrolet Camaro Rims and the Fierce Chevy Camaro

Oh the Camaro and the OEM Chevrolet Camaro rims – how much nicer can it get? The Camaro is known as a pony car and a muscle car… there were different versions. The only thing that stayed the same was the “fierceness” of the factory Chevrolet wheels – they always looked nice.

It had first went on sale on September 29, 1966 as the 1967 model year. It had a shared platform with the Pontiac Firebird… which also came out as the 1967 model year.

There were f o u r different and distinct generations of the Camaro that were released before the original 2002 Chevrolet Camaro rims came out… which were on the last model year before the 2010 model was released. The production on the fifth generation and 2010 model Camaro began on March 16, 2009.

Short, but simple…