Do Your Wheels or Rims Have TPMS?

TPMS stands for Tire Pressure Monitoring System, which is a system that monitors the air pressure of the tires on your vehicle.  A sensor is installed on each wheel of the vehicle and those sensors send constant pressure readings to the receiver unit installed on the vehicle. So when the air in one or more of the tires on the vehicle drop 25 percent or more below the correct pressure the sensors in each wheel send readings to the receiver unit to inform the driver of the tire pressure. Most TPMS have lights that go off to send the driver a warning look like the image below.


One of the most critical safety components on a vehicle is tire pressure. It is often overlooked until it is too late; 75% of roadside flats are due to under or over inflation, or a slow leak. This is not only a safety hazard, but it can also eventually cost you time and money. Many tires can lose up to half of their air pressure before actually looking like they need attention. When tires are incorrectly inflated, fuel consumption increases. So by having TPMS installed on your wheels or rims, it keeps you aware of the tire pressure at all times. Some of the benefits of having TPMS are improved braking efficiency, minimizing the chance of accidents related to under or over inflated tires, and reducing tire wear.

A lot of vehicles are sold with TPMS installed on their wheels like Chevrolet rims, Land Rover wheels, Mercedes rims, Lexus wheels, and many more newer models. Hopefully, this information is helpful to you. If you are looking for new or used OEM Rims check out our online catalog at or call us toll free at 1-800-896-7467 to find your factory original wheels.

Until Next Time

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