Factory Original Used Enkei Rims

Does your alloy wheel say “Enkei” somewhere on it? Do you know what it is? Me neither, until recently. Literally like five minutes ago when I looked it up. So here’s the  411:

It was founded on October 5, 1950 in Japan. They sell over one million alloy wheels worldwide, which makes them the 2nd largest manufacturer for aluminum rims. According to www.insixthgear.com, they are the best wheels that you can have on your car today. Their wheels are built on new technology that has – apparently – given new standards to the automotive world today. I have no idea what they’re doing over there, but I think an alloy wheel is an alloy wheel; just like an apple is an apple: they may come in different shapes & colors, but it’s essentially the same thing… right? 

According to their web site, their mission is to ensure customer satisfaction, increase share holder value, & to grow the people; but everyone’s mission statement is like that. They are offered on models such as Acura RL wheels & Honda Odyssey rims . We offer this option & many other options on our OriginalWheels.com web site; if you happen to visit it (:


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