Fix your OE Wheels or Buy New Used Rims ?

Do you have two scratched 1999 Isuzu Oasis wheels & you have no idea if you should just buff them out or buy new ones? No need to worry, I’m always here to help you with your decision – once again.

When you want to fix it yourself, it may take longer than you think to finish; but that’s only if you’re not a professional. If you have a lot of time, then you should take on this small project (:

If you decide to buy a new one, that may save you all the money on the things you need to buy to actually repair it yourself. If it were up to me, I’d totally just buy a new one. For one, I’m a girl; so I have NO idea what to do. Secondly, it’s much easier for me considering I’m “such a busy girl,” according to my grandma.

It’s really up to you, but just be sure you’re COMPLETELY happy with your decision, you know? (:

Thanks for reading,

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