Junkyard Dog at OriginalWheels.com

This week, we’re going to take a little detour from the Wheel of the Week to tell you about our little mascot.

So here’s our wheel dog… I mean our real dog. Her name is Emma & all of us here at OriginalWheels.com love her very much (: She comes every morning & leaves everyday at closing. She’s not mean like other guard dogs, she just knows who she doesn’t like. When people come into our store with a baseball hat & sunglasses, she gets in her protective mode & starts barking, but of course never bites. So if you’re planning on coming in, just don’t wear dark sunglasses or hats.

She really is a great dog; some of us will take breaks sometimes just to play with her. She loves running, swimming, & pretty much everything a puppy likes to do… even though she’s not a puppy.

Anyway, she’s here to help if you need a wheel… she’ll just transfer the call to us (: If you need any help finding or ordering a wheel, make sure you call us at 1-800-896-7467 & be sure to say Emma sent you.

Mykalanne & Emma.

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