Maintenance on OE Wheels & Used Rims

If you have two or three piece wheels, you should know by now that they require frequent maintenance, right? Here’s a little schedule of what manufacturers recommend when you purchase wheels like these:

1. At the beginning of every season, take your Factory 2000 Chrysler Cirrus rims apart, inspect it, clean it, put it back together, & re-torque each individual wheel.

2. Replace your wheel bolts each season.

3. When it comes to the wheel bolt torque, make sure you have:

–1.25” bolts, 15 ft. / pounds or 180 in. / pounds

–5/16” bolts, 20 ft. / pounds

4. After you make it squeaky clean, add a thin coat of silicone sealant to these surfaces.

5. Install a brand new valve stem.

6. Finally, place a think coat of silicone sealant to the drop center of your wheel & let it dry for about 24 hours before you use it again.

This should help,

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