“Thank You For Your Service!”

Here at OriginalWheels.com, we’re all about the service to our customers. Luckily, one of our wheel reps – Edgar  – is pretty good at that. Here are two emails that we got regarding the great service that Edgar provided :

Edgar, Thank you for the ‘Outstanding’ Customer Service that you provided us! You really made this an enjoyable transaction, you turned a stressful situation into something easy!

– Paul Sims”.

Cool, huh? Here’s another one:

Edgar, My wheel arrived today. Its the right color/style and looks fantastic. thank you for all of your help.

– Best regards, Isaac Horn

Like I said, we’re dedicated to our customers. If you need OEM Ford rims or factory Chevrolet wheels – whether they’re alloy or steel – just give us a call.

Hope to hear from you soon!